Daniela Grassi
Daniela Grassi

PhD Student in Computer Science and Mathematics

Hello Hello!

I am Daniela, a PhD student researching engagement, emotions, and other affective states in work environments. My work focuses on analyzing physiological data, such as HRV and EDA, to better understand human interactions in modern work environments.

Download CV
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Emotion Recognition
  • Biometric Sensors
  • Human Aspect in Software Engineering
  • PhD Student in Computer Science and Mathematics

    University of Bari

  • MSc Computer Science - Artificial

    University of Bari

  • BSc Computer Science

    University of Bari

📚 My Research

My research is centered around analyzing physiological data, like HRV and EDA, to gain a deeper understanding of how people interact in today’s hybrid workspaces.

I use both qualitative and quantitative methods to investigate how these physiological responses shape our emotional and cognitive experiences at work.

Recent Publications
(2024). Orally retrieved negative autobiographical events are associated with increased heart rate as compared with fabricated ones. Journal of Source Themes, 1(1).
(2023). Towards supporting emotion awareness in retrospective meetings. In ICSE-NIER.
(2022). Sensor-based emotion recognition in software development: facial expressions as gold standard. In ACII.